Similar to how you communicate with children, there is also a special way in which dogs should be approached. Otherwise, you may cause the dog to become fearful or even aggressive. Perhaps the most important thing to remember before going near a strange dog is to stay away if you feel even the least amount of uncertainty. When approaching a dog, there are three things you should always consider:
1. Face the Right Way
Even if you know the dog, it’s never okay to greet him or her from the back or side. This is because he may become startled and instinctively react aggressively. Approaching dogs face to face also gives you an opportunity to assess how the dog is feeling and whether you should continue or back away. Growling, cowering, and other signs that indicate fear or aggression should be taken as a sign to stop trying to approach the dog.
2. Use Proper Body Language
A common mistake people make when approaching a new dog is using the wrong body language. For example, standing straight over the dog or leaning towards him communicates that you’re dominant. This can impose fear or even challenge dogs, which both can then lead to aggression. Looking directly into a dog’s eyes is also something that should be avoided. Dogs consider this a way of asserting dominance or making a threat.
3. Move Slowly
When you first approach a dog, it’s important that you move slowly and give him enough time to get comfortable with you. After about a minute, you can slowly extend your hand so that he can sniff it. Next, you can try petting the dog starting at the chin. Never pet a strange dog on the head, as it can also be considered a threat. When you’re finished greeting the dog, you will also have to move away slowly so that you don’t scare him.
Lastly, avoid making sudden movements or changes, such as taking off your sunglasses, putting a hat on, opening an umbrella, etc. These are things that commonly startle dogs and cause them to behave aggressively.